Quick Recap
Reduce our correlations to only the essential ✓
Truncate the 2-pt statistics ✓
Study our transient data ✓
Use time-varying regression to model our simulation data
Reducing Correlations
- Only two sets of correlations are dependent, clearly the model doesn’t need all six
- This doesn’t mean all pairs of correlations will work equally!
We ran our entire pipeline on combinations of two correlations to see which perform the best
This was computationally expensive, but still feasible to do with just 6 choose 2 combinations.
- Ag-Ag and Al-Al performed the best with around 0.74
- Al-Al and Ag-Cu performed very close with around 0.72
Truncating statistics
- Truncation based of average 2-pt statistics in each sample in steady state
- Al = Green, Ag2Al = Orange, and Al2Cu = Blue
Choosing a vector size
Example for autocorrelation
All steady state data
A New Pipeline
- We created a whole new pipeline to perform our transient data linkages.
- Its more than 100x more expensive than the previous pipeline
Transient Data
PCA components of a single simulation over time
- Wild oscillations until the early 100s
Here are just the first 100 points plotted out:
A sanity check of our correlation pair from earlier
Future Work
- (Nov) modeling the time-varying behavior of our system (we are close!)
- (Nov) post about transience
- (Nov) post about steady state performance
- (Dec) Final “In Summa” Post
- (Dec) Final Presentation